What is mead?

Wine made from honey.

Really that’s it, honey wine. It is also most likely the oldest alcoholic beverage, traces have been found in vases from 7000BC in China and 2800BCE. Which is probably why it’s just three ingredients honey, water, and yeast. Originally just honey and water left to the elements.

Mead comes in many varieties similar to wine though instead the different types of grapes being the divider with the mead the variants are added fruits or spices.

Is it autumnal?

Well since that means made in autumn… Maybe? Who cares? Mead is a great wine anyone can make, year around.

How it’s made:

Mix honey with water, pour in yeast. Now we wait.

The process of making mead is mostly about patience a good tasting batch will take about 6 months. Though if you’re only in it from the booze about 2-4 weeks is all it takes for most of the sugar in honey to turn into alcohol.

If you’re here for an actual recipe on mead then please check our recipes or watch the video below.

How to make mead by, Ask This Old House.