Mead #4 – Crockett’s Natural Wild Desert Mesquite – $21 for 3 lbs

Crocket Natural Wild Desert Mesquite

Meads #2 and #3 are in the jugs and the project is one month in. Technically we have mead already as most of the sugars have converted to alcohol in Mead #2 but we will continue to let it do it’s thing until it’s been about 6 months. The over all goal here is not to find what tastes best as soon as the alcohol is made but what’s best once we have proper mead.

So far we have used a Raw & Unfiltered honey in Mead #3 and a Honey that is neither Raw or Unfiltered in Mead #2. For Mead #4 we will be in between the two with 3 lbs of Crockett Natural Wild Desert Mesquite Raw Honey. I was able to purchased this honey locally in 2 24oz bottles from Safeway for about $21 total. I also found it online for twice as much:

Wild Desert Mesquite is a much clearer honey than the Crockett Arizona Wildflower Raw Honey likely because Mead #2 was unfiltered. As far as price Mead #2 was about $4.40 a pound and Mead #3 about $6.60 a pound. Mead #4 is about $7 a pound. In six months we should know if it’s worth an extra $0.40 to $2.60 a pound.

The recipe will the be same as the past two with only the honey differing.



  1. Make a yeast starter. With brown sugar and 2 cups water
  2. Bring Water to boiling.
  3. Warm Honey to around 100 degrees. DON’T BOIL
  4. Take water off heat and stir in honey until diluted
  5. Pour in ice stir until ice melts.
  6. Cool to around 75 before pouring in yeast.
  7. Pour into final container.
  8. Cap with a closed cap and shake 30 seconds to agitate.
  9. Remove cap and replace with airlock.
  10. Put in a temperature controlled area for 2 weeks.
  11. Move to secondary and read gravity.
  12. Put in a temperature controlled area for 2 weeks.
  13. Move to secondary and read gravity.
  14. Put back in a temperature controlled area for 6 months.
Original Gravity1.088
Second Gravity1.015
Third Gravity
ABV 1*10.33
ABV 2*9.58125
Calories from Alcohol (12oz)202.895
Calories from Mead (12oz)100.165
Total Calories (12oz)303.06
Start Date09/13/2018
Primary Temp in Fahrenheit72
Primary Length in days26

ABV 1 formula: (76.08 * (og-fg) / (1.775-og)) * (fg / 0.794)

ABV 2 formula: (og – fg) * 131.25

Calories from Alcohol formula: 1881.22 * FG * (OG-FG)/(1.775-OG)

Calories from Mead Formula: 3550.0 * FG * ((0.1808 * OG) + (0.8192 * FG) – 1.0004)

Calories Total Formula: Calories from Alcohol + Calories from Mead