Mead #3 – How does it measure up?

Mead #3 made from Crockett Arizona Wildflower Raw Honey is ready to be bottled and we have our final gravity of 0.998. Though it didn’t gain much between the second and third reading it looks like the yeast was able to squeeze out a little more alcohol finishing at 8.58%.

Recipe for Mead #3

Original Gravity1.062
Second Gravity1.001
Third Gravity0.998
ABV 1*8.584
ABV 2*8.4
Calories from Alcohol (12oz)168.524
Calories from Mead (12oz)32.493
Total Calories (12oz)201.016
Start Date08/26/2018
Primary Temp in Fahrenheit72
Primary Length in days18

ABV 1 formula: (76.08 * (og-fg) / (1.775-og)) * (fg / 0.794)

ABV 2 formula: (og – fg) * 131.25

Calories from Alcohol formula: 1881.22 * FG * (OG-FG)/(1.775-OG)

Calories from Mead Formula: 3550.0 * FG * ((0.1808 * OG) + (0.8192 * FG) – 1.0004)

Calories Total Formula: Calories from Alcohol + Calories from Mead