Mead #3 – Crockett Arizona Wildflower Raw Honey – $20 for 3 lbs

Crockett Raw Honey

With Mead #2 fermenting away I’ve started on Mead #3. Original I hadn’t plan to use the same brand of honey for multiple meads, but with Crockett Honey be an Arizona local honey I realized a few benefits I can gain from making batches from different honey’s by the same brand.

Firstly in the future I plan to exchange the yeast type and honey volumes to test the effects. Finding a local source of honey that creates a good mead would make testing such things easier.

Secondly by using multiple honeys from the same company I will have a secondary benefit of being able to compare the effects of their differences. In this case the cheaper Desert Gold against the raw and unfiltered.

I found the raw and unfiltered by Crockett locally but you can get it on amazon here:



  1. Make a yeast starter. With brown sugar and 2 cups warm water
  2. Bring the mead water to boiling. Not the starter.
  3. Warm the Raw Honey to around 100 degrees. DON’T BOIL
  4. Take water off heat and stir in honey until diluted
  5. Pour in ice stir until ice melts.
  6. Cool to around 75 before pouring in yeast.
  7. Pour into final container.
  8. Cap with a closed cap and shake 30 seconds to agitate.
  9. Remove cap and replace with airlock.
  10. Put in a temperature controlled area for 2 weeks.
  11. Move to secondary and read gravity.
  12. Put in a temperature controlled area for 2 weeks.
  13. Move to secondary and read gravity.
  14. Put back in a temperature controlled area for 6 months.
Original Gravity1.062
Second Gravity1.001
Third Gravity0.998
ABV 1*8.584
ABV 2*8.4
Calories from Alcohol (12oz)168.524
Calories from Mead (12oz)32.493
Total Calories (12oz)201.016
Start Date08/26/2018
Primary Temp in Fahrenheit72
Primary Length in days18

ABV 1 formula: (76.08 * (og-fg) / (1.775-og)) * (fg / 0.794)

ABV 2 formula: (og – fg) * 131.25

Calories from Alcohol formula: 1881.22 * FG * (OG-FG)/(1.775-OG)

Calories from Mead Formula: 3550.0 * FG * ((0.1808 * OG) + (0.8192 * FG) – 1.0004)

Calories Total Formula: Calories from Alcohol + Calories from Mead