Mead #25 – Triple Berry Mint

Triple Berry Mint is a nuanced mead with a 7.56% ABV, blending blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and mint with honey, fermented from September 18 to December 23, 2022. Through a careful process of simmering, combining with honey, and fermenting, it achieves a harmony of tart, sweet, and refreshing flavors. This mead encapsulates the essence of its ingredients, offering a taste experience that celebrates the art of mead-making and the beauty of natural flavors.

ABV: 7.56%

Started: 09/18/2022

Bottled: 12/23/2022


  • 1 gallon water
  • 1 cup frozen Blueberry, Blackberry, Raspberry mix
  • 10 leaves mint
  • 2 lbs honey
  • 1 Packet of Red Star Premier Blanc Champagne Yeast
  • 1 tbsp of sugar


  1. Put ½ gal water on a burner at a medium temperature and bring to a simmer
  2. Add all berries and mint
  3. In a separate vessel mix yeast with 1tbsp of sugar
  4. Remove simmering vessel from heat
  5. Add Honey to simmered vessel
  6. Pour simmered vessels contents into a fermenter
  7. Add water until the fermenter is mostly filled; you will need space for the yeast.
  8. Test the fermenter’s temperature.
  9. If temp below 90 add yeast mixture to the fermenter.
  10. Allow to ferment for a minimum of one month, or a suggested time of 3 – 6 months.