Mead #24 – Blueberry Basil

This Blueberry Basil mead with a 9.10% ABV, made from water, blueberries, basil, honey, and champagne yeast, starting on September 18, 2022, and bottled on December 23, 2022. The process involves simmering blueberries and basil, adding honey, and fermenting the mixture for 1 to 6 months to develop a summer-inspired flavor profile. The result is a refreshing and aromatic mead that combines the tartness of berries, the freshness of basil, and the sweetness of honey, capturing the essence of summer in every sip.

ABV: 9.10%

Started: 09/10/2022

Bottled: 12/23/2022


  • 1 gallon water
  • 1 cup frozen Blueberry’s
  • 10 leaves Fresh Basil
  • 2 lbs honey
  • 1 Packet of Red Star Premier Blanc Champagne Yeast
  • 1 tbsp of sugar


  1. Put ½ gal water on a burner at a medium temperature and bring to a simmer
  2. Add Blueberry’s and Basil
  3. In a separate vessel mix yeast with 1tbsp of sugar
  4. Remove simmering vessel from heat
  5. Add Honey to simmered vessel
  6. Pour simmered vessels contents into a fermenter
  7. Add water until the fermenter is mostly filled; you will need space for the yeast.
  8. Test the fermenter’s temperature.
  9. If temp below 90 add yeast mixture to the fermenter.
  10. Allow to ferment for a minimum of one month, or a suggested time of 3 – 6 months.